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About Us

Our mission at Scoop Dog is simple: to provide fast and easy pet waste removal services for our valued clients. Our service was born out of a love for our dogs, (we have three) and a need for this service today, as people are so busy. We are Rockwall, Texas residents, but are Dallas natives, and are happy to service all surrounding areas as well. Our team goes above and beyond to cater to each household's specific scheduling needs. Our goal is to make life a little easier, and eliminate a task no one wants to do. we help to keep pet waste to a minimum in order to keep your yard clean and usable for pets, family and friends. Through open communication and exceptional service, we hope you’ll find what you’re looking for with our pet service. Check out our list of services, and fill out the contact form below, and we can customize your service to fit your individual family's needs. For more information or just general inquiries, get in touch today! 

Dog Listening
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